SNOWY NIGHT - Cabin Challenge
One of my teachers instructed us simply: to build a cabin. The goal was to get accustomed to Autodesk Maya's software and interface. This being my first project in Maya, took over the course of 3 weeks. 

I was inspired by my family's cabin to create this wooden one. The feeling of sitting inside a cozy cabin by the fireplace, surrounded by family and friends is so fulfilling. The comfort and safety you feel situated out in the middle of the forest is like no other; the rest of the world doesn't exist here. I wanted to show the contrast of the intensity of the warmth inside the building compared to the cool, frozen environment surrounding it.

The snowman was probably my favorite element to add. Its tipsy hat and stick arms stuck out the rest of its remaining body. The fact its head on the bench suggests the snowman was sitting, and was alive and able to walk around. Perhaps they were enjoying the warmth from inside the window so much, they didn't care that it slowly melted them.

Though we have never celebrated Christmas at the cabin, the idea of being away from the city and the materialistic side of this holiday is capitalizes on consoles me. Connecting with each other, playing card games, eating food and listening to songs with no other distractions besides cheesy holiday movies is the true way to celebrate. 
Snowy Night


Snowy Night
