Joel Hoekstra's profile

Website Design & Forum Banners

Mr. Hook's Website Design & Forum Banners
Below is a small sampling of my multi-faceted website graphics design capabilities. I can program my own HTML, cut and paste Javascript, and utilize various HTML authoring software such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Frontpage. I also enjoy making forum banners for various fan-sites, some for my own amusement, others by request.

Far and away the most complicated fan-site I ever designed: The Roughnecks: STC Archive. The episode guide, synopsis, and critique pages are all cross-referenced so that you can hop from one page to the other without loosing track of the episode you are interested in. The large links at the bottom lead to buying guides which I also authored.

I like to use Javascript roll-overs to highlight selections. Otherwise I try to abide by the Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) principle of design: try to categorize the information in such a way that users will think to look where you're pointing them.

These thumbnails were made the old fashioned way - before programs like iPhoto could do most of the dirty work for you.

I created this site to showcase my japanese toy collection - which is still stored in boxes in my basement as of this writing.

I did my own catalog-style photographs with a 35 MM camera in my front yard.

Most of my websites are gallery sites which showcase my artwork. It's just a matter of organizing the pics into categories which will hopefully make sense to the viewer.

Clicking on the bottom graphic brings you back to the main page.

The first home-page I ever designed - writing my own HTML code and loading it one page at a time to view the results. I incorporated Javascript roll-overs after I figured out how to do them for my Roughnecks site.

There are literally hundreds of more forum banners where this came from, but for a wide variety of TV and movie forums I've posted on in the past. Each forum usually has its own size and content restrictions, but that's what makes it fun and challenging! It's also very addictive when you can get almost instantaneous feedback from fellow forum posters.
Website Design & Forum Banners

Website Design & Forum Banners

Web graphics design portfolio.
