Impact Awards 2021

IMPACT AWARDS is an event of the Coupang Design team to select colleagues who have had the greatest impact on the team's growth and to celebrate its efforts. There were 4 categories—Best Performance, Most Improved, Citizenship and Biggest Impact. BX team designed the entire brand experience and touchpoints such as trophies, cards, packages and event title so that the awards could be a good driving force for team.

IMPACT AWARDS는 팀의 성장에 가장 큰 영향을 준 동료를 선정해 노력을 축하하는 쿠팡 디자인팀의 행사입니다. Best Performance, Most Improved, Citizenship, Biggest Impact 총 4개 분야의 수상자를 선정해 시상했습니다. BX팀은 이 행사가 동료들에게 좋은 원동력이 될 수 있도록 브랜드 경험 전체를 기획하고 행사 타이틀을 비롯한 트로피, 카피, 패키지 등의 터치포인트를 디자인했습니다.

Creative direction by Jonny, Erica
Brand design by Rey

© Coupang corp.

Impact Awards 2021

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Impact Awards 2021

IMPACT AWARDS is an event of the Coupang Design team to select colleagues who have had the greatest impact on the team's growth and to celebrate Развернуть
