Jay Kronbachs profil

Kronbach-Screenprinted Gig Poster

The goal of this project was to create at least a two-color poster design using either Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. We researched what makes a good poster design and put together a pinterest board of other posters that inspired us. Once the designs were complete, we began the process of printing them on paper. We printed on ten pieces of 11x17 paper each, 5 of the intended color and 5 different colors. 
While drawing my sketches, I was considering a multitude of musical groups. In order from left to right (top row) is Lovejoy and their EP "Are you Alright?", which I was considering printing a group photo of all the band members in the colors of their EP photo. Mitski's 2004 album "Retired from Sad, New Career in Business” as a yearbook page for her college because the album was written as her senior project. "Stranger in the Alps'' by Phoebe Bridgers, which incorporated more of the visual elements from her album cover. The next sketch is for Glass Animals' "Dreamland" album which, according to the band members, was designed with 1980's-1990's aesthetic in mind. The last sketches are designed after the song "Violet '' from Wild Party's "Phantom Pop '' 2014 album. The song focuses on missing past relationships as time moves on and has a heavy motif of changing seasons.
I chose to focus on Mitski, Phoebe Bridgers, and Wild Party for my next round of sketches and eventually chose to focus entirely on "Violet" because I was more invested in that song and design than the others. I then moved onto designing it digitally.
Above Right is the final digital design before I separated it to print transparencies. I struggled with the alignment and switched between horizontal (1) or vertical (2), but I chose vertical in the end because it was more visually appealing. Additionally, I initially planned on giving the tree a sort of geometric type look that I eventually ditched because it didn't work with the rest of the piece.
I then began working on my screens, above is a video of me putting emulsion on a screen (2) and a video of me printing(1). This went so well last time I was incredibly excited to try it again. The process as a whole went better this time though. It was my first time doing a split-fountain, so I had a lot of scrap pieces. I also had what I affectionately call the "abomination", This is the piece that I printed first on for each of my screens. I thought it would be fun to have one intentionally ugly one, but it also served to help me line up screens and make sure everything was well and good before my actual prints. I also ran into an issue with the text (seen on the digital version) because it was too thin and when I went to wash out the screen, more emulsion came off and left the text virtually illegible. I just taped over it when I went to print to avoid that mess. I'm also not sure what was wrong with the leaves but I didn't get a single print that reached the top... The color was also initially a lot lighter, but clearly I changed that because it was transparent and too bright.
As seen below, the actual printing went well and I ended up with a few near-perfect prints! (And my beloved abomination)
Kronbach-Screenprinted Gig Poster

Kronbach-Screenprinted Gig Poster
