"Pajama Girl" - 4" tall mini Munny, acrylic on vinyl - SOLD
Thirteen Minus One - 4" custom Munny, painted with acrylics - SOLD
Sand Doll - custom 4" Munny, painted with acrylics - AVAILABLE
acrylic on vinyl - 4" tall self portrait Munny - SOLD
One Eyed Yeti - 4" tall mini Munny painted with acrylic
White Coat Girl - 4" tall mini Munny painted with acrylic
Nebula Newborn - acrylic on 8" vinyl Munny - Won 1st Place in the DeliciousDrips.com online Munny contest. email art@bryandrinkscoffee.com for availability
Major Mocha - acrylic on 3.5" Teddy Troop -For the Mutation vinyl show at Black Maria Gallery - email art@bryandrinkscoffee.com for availability
Custom Toys

Custom Toys

Hand painted DIY vinyl collectors toys. Each is a one-off original.
