
This part of the Motorway signifies a memory. I can remember when they were building this part of the motorway and the tunnel. For so long, the road I grew up on would be busy as it was the link from the southern motorway to the western motorway. A lot of things changed when the motorway was finished, I got to walk on it, peoples routes changed and the Neighbourhood changed. This motorway signifies a point of change. I wanted to grasp the point of change in light. With the sunsetting, the beautiful light definitely showed.  
Photo 1: Clear spots 

High clarity on an image of a motorway with fewer cars than normal. 
Photo 2: The sun is coming out

A full photo of picture. More people are going in the tunnel than coming out of it. 
Photo 3: Brake 

With the view point centred, the light is centred. 
Photo 4: Coming down 

The day is getting dark which meaning more shadow. 
Photo 5: Shadow 

The shadow of figures and cars make the actual images smaller
Photo 6: A car version 2 metre distance  

The skeleton of the trees on the right stand out as the sun shines through. 
Photo 7: Lights 

The light colours are more visible to the eye when the sun is going down. 
Photo 8: After the bar is the sky

A photo that just so happened to be cut into two. One of the motorway and one of the sky. 
The Motorway

The Motorway


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