What if we live in Douglas Adams's The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy world?🚧👀😎
Mouses rule the world 🍄❗️🥊
On the picture above you could see Blood Prince Karl Ferdinand Fon MousevilleⓂ️🛂🎲
He is the first who implemented a theory about mouse domination ☎️🎯🐳
Also he was among those who proposed the idea to build mega computer 😆💯🤞🏼
Which was known as The Earth ⚠️🐞🎰
In 18967 he went under tribunal for his neo ideas and trials to bring them to live by implementing his agents into governments of the most strategic important planets of Bronson system 📺🦷🦆
(Yes you are not mistaken Charles Bronson would discover his own planet system in 18832)🥎🥎🥎
The Interplanet Court (TIC) sentenced Karl Ferdinand to death penalty through swallowing by Big Red Cattaurus ☯️☯️☯️
But he was liberated by a group  aggressive mouses separatists as they name themselves Grey Fluffy Devils❤️‍🩹🔐🧧
Now the fate and the location of Karl Ferdinand aren't known 🎈🎈🎈




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