The Overview
A Megamind icon set... "did you think this day ever would come?" "no way...not at all, sir. Never in a million... I mean, yes! I did!"
The job was to design a set of 12 themed icons and make them look like a cohesive set. I wanted each character to be recognized at first glance with their defining features and characteristics. 
The set was supposed to be an iconic representation the 2010 film, Megamind.
The Creative Process​​​​​​​
The creative process consists of several aspects including design ideas, sketch variations, and brainstorming. At first, I struggled to find an icon theme to do. I first played around with Disney characters and Disneyland themed park ideas but kept coming back to Megamind. With Megamind, I had to think of all the characters and then sketch each one till I found a design that I liked. The process was long but helped me to get a design, I loved.
The Draft(s)
Although this draft has a lot of similarities to the final, the main difference was the consistent white space being pinched. Suggestions like this were received through feedback from peers. The color of the hair one each character was another feature that was changed from the first couple drafts. 
Additional feedback from peers that I received was to add consistent facial features such as eyebrows and smiles, which I had on one of my very first drafts.
The Final
This iconic representation of the Megamind characters creates a full cohesive set of 12 icons. With the recognizing features on each character and the correct color, the job as been complete and ready to be an icon set. 

Megamind Icon Set
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Megamind Icon Set

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