Entwined is an environment concept illustration, set in a magical medieval word.
It was inspired by a portuguese myth called "Boca do Inferno", which translates to Mouth of Hell. 
This was my first experience creating an illustration through thumbnails and sketches, working with values and then applying colors.​​​​​​​


As the old legend goes, a long time ago, an evil sorcerer lived in a castle near the fishing village of Cascais. One day, he decided to get married, and he chose the most beautiful girl in all the land. He sent his knights to get her, but she refused to love him.
Certain that his maiden would change her mind, the sorcerer imprisoned her in a remote tower near the sea, leaving his most loyal knight to guard the tower’s entrance. The knight had never seen her, but one day, moved by curiosity, he went inside and fell in love with her at first sight.
Tired of living in a cage, the young couple decided to escape from the tower, galloping along the rocky coastline as fast as they could. Upon finding the tower empty, the evil sorcerer rushed in hot pursuit. Angry and betrayed, he conjured up a terrible storm, which opened up the earth and devoured both horse and riders.
This “Mouth of Hell” remains open to this day, and not even the power of the ocean has managed to close it. In winter, during bad weather and storms, the noise created by the crash of the relentless waves seems to tell the tale of these tragic lovers.


Color Tests

The base idea for this scenario came from my goal of transmitting the heavy, dark, manipulative and oppressive vibe that was inspired by the sorcerer. Therefore, to emphasise this dangerous aura, the castle stands on a cliff or close to an edge, like it’s almost floating or falling. 
Finally, to symbolize the oppressive and controlling mood, I thought about placing a huge tree in the center of the castle with the roots coming below the castle, piercing through the land and going down to the sea.

Illustration Progress
Final Artwork


Entwined is an environment concept illustration, set in a magical medieval word. It was inspired by a portuguese myth called "Boca do Inferno", w 閱讀更多
