Sal Arellano さんのプロファイル

Shade structure intervention on Rillito river

Shade Structure intervention on Rillito river site
Process sketch
West East section drawing
North South section drawing
Plan at 1/8" = 1'0"
Site plan at 1/32"=1'0"
The Rillito river site is beautiful and vibrant with life and activity but at the same time to the naked eye can appear barren and unchanged. The site is constantly changing with the arrival and departure of the seasonal monsoons, carving and etching the landscape into a remarkable spectacle. This can eventually inspire a designer who notices these forms when looking top down and could potentially lead to something that is equally beautiful and peaceful. The shade structure arose from these observations. The first step taken was the careful fabrication of the construction lines that were the basis of the structure. The systems of lines evolved from observing the shapes of the bike path, various washes, and understanding how similar the forms are. From these discoveries came the shade structure, consisting of 4 platform volumes constructed by a series of parallel lines that later converge and mix. The platforms are connected onto one linear path and are lined with ocotillo slats constructed on the same construction lines. Topped with a steel roof with slits deriving from the same construction lines. Three views are framed along the path in which the platforms are situated; The Catalina mountains to the north, The Rincon mountains to the east, and the sprawling suburbs of Tucson.
Shade structure intervention on Rillito river
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Shade structure intervention on Rillito river

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