YUCHEN-SuRi2 GAO's profile

Monstre dans le rêve(Monster in the dream)

Monstre dans le rêve
Voici ma nouvelle série d'illustrations - Monstre dans le rêve. Je vais utiliser les illustrations pour montrer les choses qui apparaissent dans le rêve.
Here is my new series of illustrations - Monster in the dream. I will use the illustrations to show the things that appear in the dream.
This is a dream I had few years ago,When I was in high school. Probably because of Lovecraft ’s novel, which made me fearful of octopus and squid. In reality, actually, I don’t afraid of them, but in my dreams, they become incredible scary.
a spider. I believe that most people are afraid of it , whether in reality or in their dreams.
A mechanical Anglerfish. When I saw Anglerfish for the first time, this thing became a frequent visitor in my nightmare
This is the first edition, which I made when I was in college. I was just to finish my homework at that time. But now i have a new idea
Monstre dans le rêve(Monster in the dream)


Monstre dans le rêve(Monster in the dream)
