Motion chaining

This is a project that speaks of past times. A series of linocuts each with a different stage printed as a whole. Developing over time, man takes many forms and forgets others. His change in gait, gaze, speech are things that are difficult to notice from long-time acquaintances, but are obvious to all who "pass" for a short time in our lives. Along the paths of the intersecting present, development itself is connected with everything past The engraved moments are a chain reaction of expression during the creation of the sketches. Trying not to run away from the initial feeling of development, I created this series of small linocuts, each 6x10 cm, printed together as a work  I called "Motion Chaining" -  a project that should be transferred to the next stage very soon. 
Separeted from this I`ve printed each one in small editioned series of 6 or 8 called:"Inside I""Inside  II" and  "The gift I","The Gift II".
Motion Chaining


Motion Chaining
