BLANK FRAMES Pack (free)
Available in my Gumroad store!

Why I made it?
Over the past few years I've been sketching a lot in this thumbnail format. For warmup purposes, testing ideas and designs quickly, but also just for relaxation. As fun as it is, the part of drawing hundreds or even thousands of panels is quite time-consuming and I felt it could be avoided. So here is the solution for me AND now also for you! 

If you are like me and want to save some time and just dive right into the sketching and drawing part: Grab them now!

What you get?
- 12 pages with paper texture
- 12 pages without paper texture
- 24 jpgs HighRes 5035 x 3525 px

I prepared some specific formats, like 16:9 and 2.35:1 (cinemascope) for you storyboard artists out there. Also there are two types of 4-panel comic/meme blanks! And of course lots of random formats for your next meditative doodle session.

For each template, I prepared two versions. One with paper texture for your digital sketching needs (Procreate, Photoshop or similar) and another without texture, optimized for printing!

All lines are hand-drawn on paper, vary in thickness here and there and have closed corners. So all panels and borders are selectable with the magic wand.​​​​​​​




BLANK FRAMES Pack (free)
Available in my Gumroad store!

It's the little things that save you time and make you efficient. This is one of those things. 
Keep on sketching!




BLANK FRAMES Pack - Thumbnail Templates (free)
