Inktober 2020

When I decided to take on the Inktober Challenge 2020 one thing that I had in my mind was to present it Unique. 

So I decided to combine different elements of design such as:

- Lines
- Typography 
- Shapes
- Colors (I went with Saturation & Brightness)
- Texture


I took a year. As I am on a full-time job as an UX Designer. Between my occupied lifestyle, I made free time to complete this inktober the way I want it to be.


I had Creative Blocks. So ideas weren't blooming to illustrate things.

As I'm not a complete artist, I found difficult in drawing few complex sketches.

Combining art+graphics was exciting & equally challenging. As concepts need to be created. I have missed concepts in few prompts.

I didn't want to leave this idea undone. I'm glad that I've jolted my brain for a new idea. Happy that I haven't give up on myself

Inktober graphics


Inktober graphics
