Henkilön Amós Silva profiili

Studo about Light and Volumetrics

In this study, I had the goal to show the behavior of light through volume. In this process, I learned that light is an important element to compose an idea and with the right tone it brings the desired tone
Another thing I allowed myself in this process was to get to know Blender's composition system. This is a powerful tool for scene composition and getting to know your node systems is an objetive.
Another thing I allowed myself in this process was to get to know Blender's composition system. This is a powerful tool for scene composition and getting to know your node systems is an objetive
in this study was based on a SkillShare tutorial, but I repeated it several times, remembering that repetition is the mother of self-dictation.
Studo about Light and Volumetrics


Studo about Light and Volumetrics


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