Bring Your Bible to School Day

Bring Your Bible to School Day is a nationwide, student-led movement to read and treasure Scripture as God’s Holy Word, to encourage others with the hope we have in Christ Jesus, and to celebrate our religious freedoms in the United States. It all culminates with Bring Your Bible to School Day on the first Thursday of October and seeks to empowers Christian students of all ages to speak God’s grace and truth into the culture around them, starting with two simple steps — bringing their Bibles to school and sharing what God’s Word means to them. 

The Bring Your Bible to School Day was stared in 2014. Messaging and visuals up to this point were school themed and appeared academic. For 2021, our in-house creative team was tasked with updating the visual identity and creating new messaging that would inject new energy into the Bring Your Bible To School Day program. 

Theme for 2021: Be Strong and Courageous. Taken from Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Messaging: You are empowered to do this! Energetic, invitational, encouraging, heroic, steadfast.

Social: The creative team helped create interactive social pieces to help followers engage in fun bible learning activities. Scripture memorization, memes, and empowering verses.
Swag: Promotional swag was also created for participants. These items seek to be creative conversation starters to help kids share their faith.
Daniel Promo Video
Esther Promo Video
Joshua Promo Video
Bring Your Bible to School Day