LEGO's At Work 
LEGO’s at work was the first project I attempted in Photoshop. Before this piece, all my designs were either hand-painted or drawn. When creating my thumbnails, I was not sure which direction to go in, originally, I chose to create a portal in the Grand Canyon leading to space, however, the end composite was nothing near what I envisioned, and I knew I could create something better. I created this image as a part of a class project. The assignment was to create a photoshopped composite of something that you would not see in real life. Coffee is one of my favorite beverages and I wanted to create something unique surrounding coffee. LEGO’s instantly came to mind as something that can add a fun element to the simplicity of coffee. I used multiple photos and a nondestructive technique to combine the images and make what you see in front of you. I used the blur tool frequently at different levels to make the transition between images smooth and aligned with each other. I was very satisfied with the final product and believe the only thing I would change in this image would be to add more shadows.
LEGO's At Work


LEGO's At Work
