Basic Design 1
by Alessandro Hendrata
Tutor : Bu Renata Kusuma & Bu Jenny

Week 1 : Garis (Zebracross)
Trial and error 1, foto ga boleh distorsi, garis kurang lurus, kertas jelek

Week 2 : Bidang (kotak lingkaran segitiga garai stress)
Trial and error 2, foto miring, kurang crop, bayangan keliatan, and most important one, jok pakek biting kesuen, jek ga tau cara pakek notes line yaapa, belajar rotate gambar di line
Week 3 : Irama(reltih lieh)
Trial and error 3a : udah mulai rapi. tapi tangan pasti kena cat jadie jembret
Trial and error 3b : nyuwek kertas sg gena titik poo
Week 4 : Color Wheel (Somehow paling gampang)
Trial and error 4: I remember getting messaged by Bu Ren di GM. 
Week 5 : Panas dingin (I got cold)
Trial and error 4: Dont choose hard colour or u will regret it. When i made this i was (and still )in spain (s is silent)
Week 6 : Pola Geometris(LaSt oNE)
Trial and error 6 : Kuas usahain kecil, but steady enough kalo g mletot mletot
Week 7 : Origami(made by PinkFong)
Trial and error 7 : If u want to make waves dont use thin origami, it won't cover it
Week 8 : Stik Es Krim(9 11 whats ur emergency)
Trial and error 8 : Overall i kinda like it, but make the module first dont make place make place make place. and also it would help if u have a template for the module
Week 9 : Order Disorder(Why didnt i think to open minecraft)
Trial and error 9 : Use at least 150 gsm paper it will help. Try to make the box as clean as possible, I clearly missed on that part.
Week 10 : Paper Quilling(the paper goes brr)
Trial and error 10 : Use a electric paper quiller, it help so much. And use a circle ruler it will help. And buy an extra amount. The amount of time i waited for ordering a new one online is impeccable
Week 11 : Paper cutting(rip my finger)
Trial and error 11 : Again buy alot of paper. Luckly we got 2 weeks break so we can do it more, i think if i only have 2 week for this im doomed. Use an old nailclippers to cut the edges. 
Basic design 1


Basic design 1
