Derek Steele 的個人檔案

Seven Creative Strategies

Seven Creative Strategies
Welcome.  For this project I use a common household item, a hair comb, to create new images with meaning.  Using Adobe products helps effectively demonstrate the following 7 creative strategies: combination; juxtaposition; isolation; metaphor or simile; change of context/environment; physical/shape similarity; and material change, swap, or focus. 

The following are the compositions:

Combination: This is taking two different items and putting them together to create something.
Juxtaposition: This is taking two different items and highlighting the differences between them.
Isolation: This is taking the selected item and showing it compared to other unrelated items.
Metaphor or Simile: This is looking at the meaning of the selected item as compared to other items.
Change of Context/Environment: 
This is comparing the item with something, or an environment, that is not typical to showcase an idea. 
Physical Shape Similarity: 
This is taking the physical definitions or shape of the selected item and finding other items that are similar and connecting them that way.
Material Change, Swap, or Focus: 
This is taking the item and exchanging the material it typically has with something else.
Seven Creative Strategies

Seven Creative Strategies
