Henkilön Dan Hill profiili

Dialouge Scene Video Project (Student Work)

My Mediocre Monday (Student Work)
My Mediocre Monday is another project that I created for my Video Production II - Media Storytelling class, when we were tasked to create a script for, as well as film and edit, a dialogue scene. For this project, I decided to tackle a story that was not only grounded, but also relatable to college students, who were my primary audience, so I created a story that was inspired by the hatred people have towards Mondays. This project was aired on The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater's tv channel. For this assignment we were given access to music and sound effect libraries that the UWW media department paid for, so none of the music, or sound effects, that were featured in my video were my original creation.

Director: Dan Hill
Actors: Ben Hornung, Malcolm Gibson and Tommy Yang
Cameraman: Dan Hill
Boom Operator: Jackson McMahan
Editor: Dan Hill
This is a portion of the script I wrote for My Mediocre Monday.
Dialouge Scene Video Project (Student Work)

Dialouge Scene Video Project (Student Work)
