eCommerce website
I developed this website in Web Development using HTML and CSS. I then used this website in an eMarketing course to create marketing for the services and products. provided. I am an esthetician so I included the services and products I use everyday.  I have always wanted to make a website for my business, and this was a great opportunity for me. I wanted to make it very easy to navigate so I included the menu on all the pages. Where I included the words "treatments" or "products" in the description I made those words links to those pages with a click. I was so excited when I enrolled in the eMarketing course and found that I could use this website to do advertising and learned how to use google ads and many other tools to promote my business. The initial reason I enrolled in Web Design 1 was to learn how to make web sites so I could make one for my business, but I soon discovered Web Design is a lot more exciting for me than the beauty industry, so off in that direction I went.
Another Pretty Face
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Another Pretty Face

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