Emma Gifford 的個人檔案

7 Creative Strategies

#2 Bee or not #2 Bee? That is the real question. In this image, I have used the idea of both pencils and honeycombs being similar shapes. I've also included graphite honey dripping from some of the combs to give it more of a "pencil" feel. 

In this project, you will see the growth I made in using seven different creative strategies using a simple, everyday item, a pencil. I hope that as we view these images, we will be able to grow together. I hope for constructive feedback that will help me improve any project I may work on in the future. 
"Aren't You Glad I Didn't Say Orange?" 
In this pencil-banana mash up, I changed the material the pencil is made out of, a banana. Both have similar qualities. They're both yellow, they both had one end that always seems to be darker than the other, and if you let them sit too long, they seem to be ruined... Banana's get brown and yellow pencils get chewed on. 
"The Tool of All Tools"
Not many people would expect a wrench and a pencil to be molded into one. They don't share a lot qualities. I like to think that the two work well together though. A contractor might really like this tool as he's on the job sight, but a housewife might not be thrilled with this idea. 
"The Chosen One"
It's amazing what the eye can see when something stands out from the rest. We are so prone to seeing the same yellow pencil, that when one of them is not like the other, it makes a difference. 
"Oh How the Turn Tables"
This image can have a lot of meaning behind it. How many times do we just lose our little yellow pencil and pick up a new one? We put so much emphasis on making people feel important and individual, but why don't we do that with our pencils? They deserve that too.
"Little House on the Graphite"
This image shows the change of environment that pencils are normally seen... a meadow. 
""Building a Great Future"
This image combines the building blocks children use to create whatever ideas they can come up with. A pencil can do the same for them as they grow older. 
7 Creative Strategies

7 Creative Strategies

