7 Creative Strategies
The purpose of this project was to use a common, easily recognizable object to create 7 images each depicting one of 7 creative strategies. The following are the strategies that were implemented:
- Change of Context or Environment
- Combination
- Isolation
- Juxtaposition
- Material Change
- Metaphor or Simile
- Physical/Shape Similarity

The creative process for this project consisted of 3 main steps: Define, Discover, Deliver. In the Define stage, I studied and researched the definition of each of these creative strategies and found examples of how they are used.
In the Discover stage, I used several brainstorming methods to produce a variety of ideas I could use to create the images. I sketched the ideas that I felt had potential and started experimenting with these ideas in Adobe Photoshop.
In the Deliver stage, I reviewed and refined the drafts I had created in the previously stage and tweaked each image until I felt each one portrayed the correct message.
I learned so many new skills and tools within Photoshop by doing this project. It has stretched me creatively and technically and I am certain I have grown because of it. I still have much to learn but I am happy with what I created here.
7 Creative Strategies

7 Creative Strategies
