Museum of the fortress

Shelter on the ruins
Location | ‘Nossa Senhora da Luz’ Fortress, Peniche, Portugal
Status | Project
Year | 2021


The‘Nossa Senhora da Luz’ Fortress is located on the peninsula of Peniche in Portugal among powerful natural landscapes. The ruins of the fortress, destroyed by the wind and the ocean, emerge from the landscape with steep cliffs that break into the ocean. Built in the XVII century, the fortress was an important strategic point along the coastal defense system of the peninsula.


The borderline location of the ruins of the fortress at the junction of the rich natural landscape, the immense ocean and the endless sky determine the project of the museum. The main goal in creating the space was to minimize the impact on the natural structure that has developed over the centuries, while emphasizing its significance.

Two accent directions of volume formation were chosen: vertical and horizontal dominants. The vertical compensates for the lost observation tower, acting as a landmark and a viewing point open to four sides. A horizontal corridor descends through the rock and opens up a stunning view of the ocean. The two directions are connected by an underground exhibition space. His asceticism emphasizes the natural beauty of the place and the centuries-old history of the remains of the once majestic fortress.
The project is conceived as a path that runs through the ruins and connects the earth and the sea, memory and nature. Simple monolithic forms open up new perspectives on the ruins and provide a direct connection with the surrounding natural landscape.

Museum of the fortress