Profiel van Sai Anjan Sethi

Risky Glasses - Script

Brief: Brand Barney Stinson from “How I met Your Mother” as a product of choice and write a creative advertisement script.

Brand :Barney Stinson
Product: Triple Blend Whiskey (Surrogate: Crystal Blend Glasses)

Creative Idea -

 A man in a great suit walks into a Pub (evident by the lighting and ambience but without the bottles) with an air of regularity. He’s not noticed by any person. He walks up to the bar and signals to the bartender. The bartender with an air of familiarity and recognition picks out a sheet of paper from behind the bar and places it in front of him.
The screen freezes as he picks up the paper to read. On the still, the following paragraph begins to scroll up as a voice-over reads it out in the tone Statutory Warnings are read-out. 

A Barney Stinson glass has the potential to alter the course of your night and probably your life. Consumption of liquid substances from this Crystal Blend glass may cause an unprecedented spike in confidence levels of the user. All spike in attention that the user may garner from holding this glass is solely their responsibility and so are any actions they may undertake therefrom. Any man repulsive to gluten, lip gloss or lingerie is requested to head to our water bottles section in view of his own safety. Drinking liquid from our glasses may lead to a sudden spurt in awesomeness, that can often get difficult to handle. We advise keeping your suit up and tight at all times till behind the security of closed doors. Responsibility for any legal expenses incurred on account of but not limited to, excessive awesomeness, polygamy laws and or divorce settlements will not be borne in any part by the manufacturer. If in doubt consult your mom. 
All Rights to Awesomeness Unreserved!

I agree.

As the paragraph ends, the guy looks back to find every girl in the pub staring at him inquisitively(pan shot).
He turns back with a slight smirk on his face. The bartender places an empty glass with Barney Stinson branded on it in front of him.

Shot shifts to an overhead shot from behind the bartender and as soon as the man signs the paper. All the ladies rush towards him (shot cuts to a blank screen after the first step they take).

Background sound over the black screen of whiskey pouring into a glass as Barney Stinson writes over the black in the brand font.

Risky Glasses - Script

Risky Glasses - Script


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