Need a ride?
Imagine calling for an Uber/Lyft and you hop in and all of a sudden the driver stops in a dark random area.  He turns to you, looking like Freddy, and says: "We've arrived to your final destination, that will be four dollars."  

Moral of the story is, don't let your drivers be your worst nightmares, pay attention and verify your drivers.  Stay safe!
Final Picture
The composite below (shown as "Original with some edits") was one of the 1st of the many edits I did.  I noticed the picture was too dark and I wanted to lighten it up for better visibility in on a phone.  I used Adobe Lightroom to lighten up picture as well as dehaze the the dashboard since the original had a sort of hazy filter (see originals below).  Since I removed the surroundings of the car (see original) to add in the night background, I had to make up front window.  I added some light glared to make it appear as if there is a front window.  
The lighting of the face was also another problem I needed to fix.  In the original picture of Freddy, half of his face is more highlighted.  Since he is in a car, out at night, the car is dark.  I didn't want to have to do much editing and keep his face as original as possible, using photoshop added an over head light in the dark car to show a light source.  This also would improve the visibility of the picture on a phone.  
When I was trying to light up the picture I used lightroom to help me with edits that where focused on certain areas.  In this case when I thought I had finished (picture 1) I noticed a dark line shadow on the bottom right hand corner (picture 1a).  This was from lighting the picture and fixed it in light room with dehazing the area. 
Original Pictures
Photo credits: Fanpop-jlhfan624 & Pexels- Burak Kebapci
Need a Ride?

Need a Ride?

Freddy Krueger driver for Uber/Lyft, Safety, photoshop composite art, graphic design
