Perfil de Adam Delaney

Integrated Notepad Marketing Campaign

Objectives: Soft reminder that stays on the desks of our top clients and prospective clients. The notepad marketing campagin should illustrate that we are a creative and community based company that perceives our clients as partners.

Project: A subsciption based notepad marketing campaign that runs thoughout the calendar year. A 3-4 month awareness campaign will run before Jan 1, 2009 to promote the notepad program. At this time we will inform our top clients and prosepected clients via letter, or direct mail about the program. Subscriptions for the notepad campaign will be driven by a web event registration. The kick off care package will potentially include a calendar, executive pen, 1st month notepad and notepad easel. Each month the subscriber will recieve a new notepad featuring a photo, illustration, or painting from a local artist. The subsciber will also be directed to interact utilizing a generic url that may include a contest or white papers, and infomation about PIP and the featured local artist. Each package will also include a specific marketing message related to services provided by PIP. Each campaign item will be branded with the PIP identiy and contact information.

Invitation Letter

An invitation letter was sent to top prospects and clients inviting them to participate in the Integrated Notepad Marketing Campaign. Prospects were directed to an information landing page where they could learn more about the campaign, learn more about the artists, and register for the monthly notepads.
Landing Page / Microsite

A microsite was developed for this campaign where people could learn about the campaign, find out more information about the artists, supply feedback and inquire about PIP Printing's services, and download desktop wallpaper.
Monthly Notepads
Desktop Wallpaper

Desktop wallpaper was designed for each month and distributed through the mircosite. 
Integrated Notepad Marketing Campaign

Integrated Notepad Marketing Campaign

Monthly notepad marketing campaign


Sectores creativos