I used the computer to find ideas on websites and gather pictures for my ideas. I also used movies I had previously seen to gather ideas. The technology we have helps us to come up with ideas by looking at others people work and taking bits and pieces from there artwork and make something different and new that hasn’t been seen before.
 If I didn’t have technology I won’t probably have to base my idea off of my imagination and have to draw instead of use the computer. Your ideas wouldn’t be as good as they are now. You won’t have the ability to look at other peoples work and take bits and pieces like I said earlier. The work not be as good as it could be
Technology helps you by looking at other artists work and comparing to yours seeing what you could have done better and things you think you did better on then the artist. You can also take pieces from there’s and maybe at it to future work. I believe that many artist do this to make their work better as the years go on.


To come
