Profilo di Christian LindeProfilo di Anne Johnsen

Build your town (Byg din by)

B u i l d   y o u r   t o w n 
(Byg din by)

A team project about the issue involving young adults (18-22 year olds) in Denmark, not voting in the municipal election. Focusing on first time voters and users who aren't actively taking actions or in general interested in politics.

T H E   C O N C E P T 
(Byg din by)

Our solution to young people not participating in local politics, is to create a game focusing on building your local town or area. When using the building blocks that is based on politic subjects, the app itself calculates the closest political party that has similar plans or focus areas as the user. 

This will hopefully help the user getting more knowledge about different
parties and what they work towards in their local area. 


V I D E O   E X A M P L E 
(XD & After effects)

To show off our idea and prototype, we created our UI/UX in Adobe XD and worked out the animations and test in Adobe After Effects.

The reason for the iPhone 8 screen size is a specific requirement from the assignment we received.
Disclaimer: The music used is an example of what could be used, we don't own the rights to the original. The whole project and example is for a school project, not commercial use.

I L L U S T R A T I O N S 

To support the game design and political topics, we focused on creating recognizable scenarios that were somewhat relatable to everyone using the app.

T H A N K   Y O U !

We appreciate you looking through our project! 
Feel free to like the project or throw us a follow.

Build your town (Byg din by)

Build your town (Byg din by)

A school project about solving an issue with young adults (18-22 year olds) not voting in the municipal election in Denmark. Our solution is an Leggi di più
