The aim is to design a showroom that is both impressive and powerful whilst not imposing the architecture on the content, and without detracting from the importance of the cars displayed. Based on the awareness of the importance of the cars collection on display and of its designers and of a sincere attempt to follow the so fragile and delicate dividing line, The Project has 2 main objectives:

the central idea is to create flexible spaces that are practical and perfectly connected whilst still offers the opportunity for future expansion of the building.
The design also aims to create a continuous space that blurs the boundaries between the inside and the outside, achieved in the display room through light, sight and the movement, perceived from the outside, with the use of the large glass exterior.
Front Elevation
Rear Elevation
Side Elevation 1
Side Elevation 2
This interior is by Waleed Tarek
ARTOC Auto Showroom


ARTOC Auto Showroom

ARTOC Auto Showroom concept design

