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ANADIA 2.0 - CNR-IBE Project

ANADIA 2.0 Project | CNR-IBE
ANADIA 2.0 is a training and research project co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The project is implemented by the Institute of BioEconomy (IBE) – ex Institute of Biometeorology IBIMET – of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, in collaboration with the National Directorate of Meteorology (DMN) of Niger and the Inter-university Department of Science, Project and Policies territory (DIST) of the Polytechnic and the University of Turin, Italy.
The project contributes to the development of sustainable agriculture, through the adaptation of production systems to climate change, to make them less vulnerable to extreme events, supporting food security. In order to achieve these objectives, the project will strengthen the capacities of different actors at the national and local level. The project provides methodologies, implementation of theoretical and practical training modules and practical case studies, awareness raising, dissemination and information actions on project results.

Project Leader and Manager: Vieri Tarchiani, CNR-IBE.
Anadia 2.0 Project - WebPage on climate
Project Brochure
Anadia 2.0 - Video du projet
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Slapis Desktop Application 
Slapis Mobile Application
Assistance Agrométeo
Brochure Assistance Agrométéorologique
Assistance Agrométéorologique  Video
ANADIA 2.0 - CNR-IBE Project


ANADIA 2.0 - CNR-IBE Project

ANADIA 2.0 involves rather than project partners other local Institutions (DH, DSA, CC/SAP, CNEDD) and International Organizations (CILSS/AGRHYME Leggi di più
