Foundation drawing homework. The task was to crumple up a sheet of paper, flatten it out, and draw it as realistically as we could. Quite a challenge, and so much stress that all my self esteem was lost on it to the point that during critique my teacher had to convince me that it was well drawn. Fond memories.

This is a photo of the piece, but I wasn't able to get a scan yet because my teacher took it to put in the hall, and eventually go to jury with the possibility of it going into the school show. I'll scan it when I can get it back.

It did get into the student show, and I put it up for sale, not thinking anyone would buy it. I underpriced it by quite a lot, and it ended up selling to an anonymous buyer. I never did end up getting the money, due to complications and my own forgetfulness. Oh well, I found an app that enlarged the photo I had taken with my phone without losing resolution, so I'm finally content.

Done with Strathmore drawing paper, ebony pencil, white charcoal, kneaded eraser, eraser stick, and a blending stump. October 22, 2013.
Crumpled Paper

Crumpled Paper

Crumbled paper.

