Perfil de Subtropical Fluid

Modern Gymnastics : 近代体操

                                                        きんだい   たいそう
✸ Modern Gymnastics 近代体操 KINDAII - TAISOU ) : 
A philosophical speculation platform about modern society phenomenon for 20XX urban livings. 

                       Visual Identity System (VIS) Design, Brand Logotype & Digital Artworks  

                                      **Output :
                              (1) Visual Identity System (VIS) :  1 package
                               ( Including - Brand Logotype *1 /Color System *1 / Font Regulation *1  / Cover Visual Direction *1 )
                              (2) Online Event & Publishings : 1 package  ( ISSUE 01- ISSUE 03 )
                               ( Including - Thumbnails *3 / Publishing Cover Design *3 / Spine Design *3 / Event Banner *1)

Time :  2021 March - 2021 April
Client : Modern Gymnastic 近代体操 Group (Tokyo, Japan)
Association : Yang,Qian-Wei ( Producer&Founder ) (Tokyo, Japan)
Design : Hsu An Hsu
Studio : Subtropical Fluid

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(1) Visual Identity System (VIS) 

Brand's final logotype outline along with font family and color system guideline, applied to the cover designs of publishing ISSUE 01, ISSUE 02 and ISSUE 03, in each color combination. 

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(2) Online Event & Publishings :

[A]  Thumbnails or poster design for online / off-line events : 

ISSUE 01 - Thumbnail / Poster Key-visual 
ISSUE 02 - Thumbnail / Poster Key-visual
ISSUE 03 - Thumbnail / Poster Key-visual

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[B]  Publishing & Prints Design ( annual magazine ) :

ISSUE 01 : Annual magazine in prints. Design in Cover / Back / Spine.  

As an annual and article based magazine, considering the big volume of pages, book design using softback as cover with perfect binding for easy reading. The colored edge of pages will be another eye-catching of this series prints.    

ISSUE 02 : Annual magazine in prints. Design in Cover / Back / Spine.  

ISSUE 03 : Annual magazine in prints. Design in Cover / Back / Spine.  

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[C]  Event Banner & Billboard ( Off-line event ) :

ISSUE 01: off-line event banner mockup. 2021.

ISSUE 02 : off-line event billboard mockup. 2021.

Copyrights all rights reserved Subtropical Fluid.
Modern Gymnastics : 近代体操
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Modern Gymnastics : 近代体操

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