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《與你的397日:惡化》397 days with You : Deterioration🖱

《與你的397日:惡化》397 days with You : Deterioration  

    展覽橫幅、活動banner設計  for artist  とうトウ(toutou)

〔 展覽橫幅・卡點西德貼紙設計  〕——————————————————————————  “ 2 O 2 1 ”
——————————— 橫幅尺寸910*210CM / PVC+5mm合成板

| 需求 Demand .|


| 設計概念 |

           2021年藝術家とうトウ的展覽主題為『惡化』,討論個體間在親密關係中的惡化階段。在展出的40幅畫作中,最後選定背景帶著強烈流動性的一張作為主視覺;設計上為了呼應畫作本身,因此在畫面上也使用了同樣如液體流動的方式,破壞了原本的畫作,暗指 惡化 的性質。


|  應 用 設 計 |

《與你的397日:惡化》397 days with You : Deterioration  ▏彰化縣立美術館









▩展覽時間:2021.01.26(二)~2021.02.14(日) (美術館每週一公休,二到日9:00~17:00,2/11-2/14春節期間也不開放)
▩彰化縣文化局: http://www.bocach.gov.tw/ch/01activity/02view.asp?sn=10664


Have you noticed the deterioration in intimate relationships?
Does the establishment of deep relationships eventually come to an end?

By using oil paintings that mixed with many different materials, artist Toutou created a visual diary called "397 Days with You". This diary described the transformation of the relationship between Toutou and Toutou’s roommate during their 397 days of co-living.

Similar but also different, these two people communicate through language, ideas and expression and perceive the reaction and feedback from each other. Through such continuous interaction, it accumulated and developed into many forms of experience that words cannot describe.
The theme of this exhibition is called “397 days with You: Deterioration” it is the most emotional chapter among other 5 chapters:"Contact", "Involvement", "Intimacy", "Dissolution" and "Repair" from the "397 Days with You” project.

Deterioration means became worse. The communication in life requires the establishment of deep emotions, there are always breaks and discontinuities in each other's mind and daily life. From the works of Toutou, you will receive the most realistic emotions of anger, hatred, and love.


とうトウ (toutou)

An expert in creating visual works, through methods of painting, filming and installation arts. Currently, a creator of visual works design and mixed media installation.
Toutou’s creation based on a long-term observation on relationship, no matter the relationship is between you and yourself or the relationship between society and the interaction between 2 people, these forms of relationship is what Toutou is interested in and concerned in.

Human beings are born with loneliness, alienation, lacking the ability of communicating with others and the fear of social interaction, but still long for relationships. Toutou acknowledges such contradiction and fear in many individuals, hence Toutou’s arts are not only for Toutou’s self-treatment but also the possible cure to heal others.


▩Exhibition location: 3rd Floor, Changhua County Museum of Art (3F, No. 3, Guashan Road, Changhua City, Changhua County, 500)
▩Exhibition time: 2021.01.26 (Tue) ~ 2021.02.14 (Sun) (The museum is closed on Mondays, and from Tuesday to Sunday is opening from 9:00-17:00, 2/11-2/14 also not open during Chinese New Year)

《與你的397日:惡化》397 days with You : Deterioration🖱

《與你的397日:惡化》397 days with You : Deterioration🖱
