Artwork Name: Water Prison

I named this Water Prison because the drowning moment is like you are spending a lifetime of prison. Like a death sentence. It happens so fast but it's far more painful for such a short time.

When you are drowning it's not fun as swimming or surfing. When you drown, your instincts tell you to kick, to jump, you’re so desperate to get to that surface, you’re acting as if you’re running. You really can’t help it. It’s so frustrating because you know you’re a lost cause, and you’re in a constant state of panic. You’re gagged by water and you can’t scream, they can’t see you, you’re down way too deep. You can only pray that they realize somethings wrong. To me, it's like you are stuck somewhere with your both hands cuffed no way to go. Like that

But you have to wait. And waiting is the worst part of drowning.
I drew a boy with some lengthy hair(which is inspired by a mermaid boy I saw on a show) because I thought it must be far convincing to express his pain and helplessness than anyone else. Eventually, his lungs start to burn. Here, he's desperate for that sweet taste of oxygen, he wants to go home. He keeps thinking she can breathe, he is in absolute denial - but she just can’t breathe. He starts holding her throat her mind is haywire, she can’t swim, she wants to stop herself from inhaling, and the pressure makes it feel like she is exploding. Eventually, his lungs give out, and he takes a deep, deep breath. This is the same as he is in a prison you have to wait painfully for your destiny. You want to go back. Undo stupid thing made you drown yourself. But it's too late. You are so helpless. You cant process thinking. To do something logical to survive. what are the odds in deep water? Zero

It's like an infant in a prison. So, helplessness is stuck and pain is immense. That's why I drew the drowning one naked to imply he is the same as an infant. Handcuffs imply he is stuck as a prisoner. He is far from thinking logically or saving. Even her friend tries to save him. But it's too late. How painful might be for him to watch this?
Is not it what happens to the loved ones who come to visit prisoners. They are helpless. Desperate to help. But too late. All they could do is watch like this boy. He shows his hand but what's the point her hands are cuffed. He's screaming. Voice does not reach him. Everything is pointless. Both are helpless. All they can do is watch each other.
I wanted to show this depressed harsh pain behind drowning scenarios. It's one of the worst ways to die. By convincing that I thought I might be able to prevent this type of tragedy among the community. Thank you.
Water Prison


Water Prison
