A visual representation of the word "distorted". Photocopying, crumpling, and scaning type, as well as overlaying and misaligning image and colour was used to create the distorted effects.
The type "distorted" was created by first printing out the type three times in different sizes on one page. I then crumpled and tore the paper then re-scanned it back into the computer. I transformed the scanned image into a vector and further distored the image copying and overlaying it as well as cutting and skewing it. 
The image is a candid shot of a friend. It was duplicated to make 4 layers transformed into CYMK colours. The layers were then shifted creating the offset colour effect. This effect can be clearly seen at the corners of the image as the shifting created these coloured bars that made an uneven boarder. I decided not to crop this result out as it framed the piece nicely and is a clear result of the distortion.
Digital final.


This is a project for YSDN 2007. March 2013.
