Omama Naeems profil

Clothes & Jewels ( CJ )

CJ stands for Clothes & Jewels, it is an E-commerce or n easy words we can say an online store on Instagram and Facebook social media apps. It is found by Saima Imran, she currently runs her own online business with her daughter. CJ is well known for its quality of material it provides to the customers, it either can be clothes or jewels, what matters is that you will always get the best quality in both of them. It is currently working inside the boundaries of Pakistan and not worldwide. The theme is black and white because everything else is colourful so the CEO wanted to be just black and wite with logo and background. 
Here's a business card designed for CJ, the information given is totally genuine, there's no false contact details etc are given. The consent has been given by Saima Imran herself. The stamp in the picture shows that there's no false or fake information given. If you want to visit their page, you can get o it by using this information present in the design.
"The mockup design of CJ business card really lifted up the bar high. The glow it has given to the design is definitely commendable." - Saima Imran.
Here are the CJ jewellery set boxes designed as per demand of the CEO. The mock-up is used for the final look on the design. This box set may comprise of the jewelries like, earrings, watches, tops etc.
This piece of jewellery box set was specially designed for bracelets and lockets only. The mock-up here makes the design more vibrant.
CJ doesn't provide you a proper box for the clothes because it comes in its own shopping bags, or if a person wants boxes, then it comes in the plain one but if asked on demand, I can always design those clothes boxes.
Here's the last piece of the designed shopping bag for Clothes and Jewels, The sizes of the shopping bags might differ but the design has the same texture, color and vibrancy.
There are only two colours of logos demanded by CJ, other colours aren't signed for this project, those are false logos.
A project of CJ made by Omama Naeem
Clothes & Jewels ( CJ )


Clothes & Jewels ( CJ )
