The iconic photograph capturing the famed embrace was snapped by Regis Bossu inEast Berlin on October 7, 1979. The photograph was widely republished. Brezhnev was visiting East Germany at the time to celebrate the anniversary of its founding as a Communist nation. On October 5, East Germany and the Soviet Union had signed a ten year agreement of mutual support under which East Germany would provide ships, machinery and chemical equipment to the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union would provide fuel and nuclear equipment to East Germany.
В 1971 году произошел исторический поцелуй Брежнева, который был адресован новому руководителю Германской Демократической Республики Эриху Хонеккеру. Поцелуй произошел в аэропорту Шереметьево. На основе этого поцелуя была создана картина Дмитрия Врубеля «Братский поцелуй». Впоследствии целующиеся Брежнев и Хонеккер стали олицетворять перестройку и начало разрушения Берлинской стены, а также Железного занавеса.
Fraternal Kiss

Fraternal Kiss

One-day project on expressing relationships between different cultures using popular images from modern cartoon series
