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Birches - Branding & Visual Identity

Branding & Visual Identity
The concept of the birches logo is the combination of birches tree and animal deer. The inspiration for the name ’Birches’ is a poem by American poet Robert Frost. It was included in Frost's third collection of poetry Mountain Interval, which was published in 1916. Along with other poems that deal with rural landscapes and wildlife, it shows Frost as a nature poet

When the truth strikes the speaker, he still prefers his imagination of a boy swinging and bending the birches. The speaker says he also was a swinger of birches when he was a boy and wishes to be so now. When he becomes weary of this world, and life becomes confusing, he would like to go toward heaven by climbing a birch tree and then coming back again, because earth is the right place for love. So 'Birches' is the right name for this hill station and they represent a new beginning, renewal, and purification of people's current situation..!!​​​​​​​
Birches - Branding & Visual Identity


Birches - Branding & Visual Identity
