Adeela Ameer's profile

A Pakistani Child Man

Let me show you a side of Pakistan with the true events from my daily life. So I heard from people on different platforms on internet that we Pakistanis are not worthy and we can do nothing, we can’t change and we all are not fair with the deals. I heard that we are slaves and we can only make slogans and can’t do anything to change except for that and the first world itself kept looting with these slogans, if you know what I mean. I’m gonna show you what most of common men do here, to what extent they are worthy, do they have self honor and this particular story most importantly narrates about worthy or unworthy whatsoever are people of Pakistan and what a seven year old does in this country if he has nothing to survive, not even a single penny.
Yesterday while coming back from university, I happened to run into a boy who was hardly six by physical age but was far away in matter of his actions. So I was standing in front of university around 5pm and was waiting for my brother to pick me up when I noticed a boy who was carrying a little sack on his back, a very pretty smile on his cute little face, rough and stained clothes on his body and a packet of fries in his little hands. He was going somewhere with another boy of about 13 years old, who was also eating fries, and a young man of about 33. I did not notice the 13y old one , noticed a bit of the young man, who probably was the master of boys, and the remaining one made me attracted towards him even if I was standing with numb mind.
Story began when I saw these three characters and noticed one of them pushing a stuck vehicle with full force. It was the youngest of them, yes the 7y old one. He didn’t know whose vehicle was that or who was driving it. He simply noticed trapping of that automobile and helped the driver despite the fact that it was really not a bad stuck. They stood in front of a general store and were discussing about something, maybe about how the boys will go home or what will be their work timings or maybe what task will they be performing by tomorrow. A little beggar boy passed by them and asked the master to help him with some money, when the master probably refused to give him money, the little generous and kind angel offered his fries and gave him.
It was heart softening to see the little boy giving his food, that he surely earned himself, to someone else who also needed that. After seeing this, the master tried to give 10 rupee to the boy to buy the chips again but the boy refused to take the money. The master tried again and again to give him the money but the little boy with strong determination and strict and fair rules of life kept abstaining from taking the money while the other boy was busy with enjoying chips and watching people around and the master kept the money back in his pocket with admiring smile and admiring eyes looking at the boy. His fair rules and self esteem was far more than the grown ups around you and me or may be from you and me too.
It is obvious that the child was out to earn bread and butter for himself and his family. He abandoned his innocent childish longings in order to help his family and yet he was so firmly determined that he did neither become selfish for keeping the food when he himself needed that nor a person having such low esteem to take the money that someone tried to give him out of sympathy or whatever. Because that’s not his wages so he is not going to take it. I kinda loved the rules and his attitude towards people and life, specially the rule of helping even when he could do the least. I could see him as a victorious and prosperous man from tomorrow and he is definitely gonna be a very successful man in future.
Not only him but there are so many other people and specially children with high moral values who live the life like a king and the people who love to help others even if they themselves are more needy of being helped, they don’t rob, they don’t kill, they don’t deprive people of their rights and belongings rather they believe in helping and making others comfortable. These people are pride of me and my beloved country, Pakistan and here in Pakistan there are more these people than the bad ones and no place comprises of all the good things because wicked ones are everywhere.
A Pakistani Child Man

A Pakistani Child Man
