Профиль Kathryn Illingworth

Freelance Project: Midlife and Menopause Clinic

Grange Road Medical have been servicing their community for over 30 years. With a new expansion into their second location: Hunter Street Medical, they are innovating new and exciting ways to support their community. GR Medical recently engaged me to design promotional posters for their new life stage clinic.

Working with the image of an established and trusted brand is always a challenge.
For this project, the clinic would need its own logo, which seamlessly tied in with that of the practice and could be used for either location. When discussing the project my client mentioned that they thought of the clinic as a way to help people navigate the "Autumn of life" as they approached their golden years. This became the central concept of the design, inspiring me to employ an autumnal palette and imagery. 

This was a fantastic experience, working with a wonderful client to bring their vision to life.
Thanks GR Medical.

Freelance Project: Midlife and Menopause Clinic


Freelance Project: Midlife and Menopause Clinic

In office promotional material for the Grange Road Medical and Hunter Street Medical Menopause and Midlife Clinic. The Poster's autumnal colour Развернуть



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