(Winner- Student Category)
The spirit is a symbolic sculpture design which represents the mandala philosophy and Bindu as a symbolism. Since India is rich in culture and faith, it invites all kinds of souls to spend time and interact with each other.
The site becomes a miniature cosmos; a universe with the client at its center. It can be easily integrated into the urban and rural context of India. The site is the upholder of the built form. Various rituals, geometrical matrices (mandalas), astrological deadlines, chanting of verses, etc. are incorporated at appropriate junctures so as to make the site demarcation and the building design and construction flawless.
The sculpture can be easily integrated into the urban and rural context of India. It is made up of Steel tubular section, timber, stone and glass. I use equally reflected and absorbed material in fabrication and finishes that enhance the visual and aesthetics expression. The form is rectilinear and stilted which signifies modernism, therefore the design has both modern and historic versions of India.
The base (12m*12m) is driven from the concept of Mandala (64 squares) this space allows people to move freely. It consists of different areas like performing arts and place making. The connectors are made up with a circular steel section and are used to hold the head in position. It is laid on the grid of 1.5m*1.5m and goes up to 12m in height. In between the cluster of trees are grown which represents the sign of the evolution of life. The outer envelope is the boundary of protection. It covers all the critical functions inside through the transparent membrane. Overall the design represents the reflection of India.
Sheet 1
Sheet 2



Sculpture/Installation design
