Oppi Koppi App.
This app allows to navigate the entire Oppi Koppi festival via GPS.
View and chat to friends that are attending Oppi Koppi (simple social networking, post pics, video's etc)
Recieve notifications to events happening at Oppi. (the naked run, main acts etc)
View an entire line up, stage location and time all artist are performing.
Take Me Home function.
Gps voice enabled function that can direct lost or more likely drunken individuals to their respective tents.
Oppi Koppi payment card.
Oppi Posters
Lenticular Posters placed at varsities and colleges. These posters metamorphosize as you move past them.
The intention was to make posters that the audience would want to steal!!!
Oppi Wife Beaters
_______Thanks for watching_______
Oppikoppi Candy Bar Creep Show

Oppikoppi Candy Bar Creep Show

Oppikoppi 2014. The theme chosen was metamorphosis. A full campaign from before, during and after the event was methodically laid out. The look Развернуть


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