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Does Fencing Increases the Value of your House?

What can a Fence do to Increase the Value of your Home?
When you think about installing a fence around your property, privacy, security, and aesthetics are the most important reasons.

You may not be aware that a fence can increase the property's value. A functional and tastefully designed fence can make your home more attractive when you sell it.

It may seem simple to install a fence, but it is important to do it right. Not all homes need fencing. Certain types of fencing can actually decrease a property's value, rather than increase it. Moreover, check out these amazing Mississauga luxury real estate listings for sale by PPRE.
There are some things to consider when choosing the right fence. A fence is a cost-effective way to increase your home's value. Its design, functionality, as well as practicality, will determine how much it increases your home's value.

Protecting Yourself & Your House
A fence serves two main purposes: privacy and safety. It acts as a boundary, delineating the boundaries between your property and another's. Even a simple picket fence, fences can give homebuyers an added sense of security. Because they communicate that everything beyond the fence is private property, they reduce the chance of someone trespassing.

Fences also provide homeowners with a backdrop to display "No Trespassing” signs. It is easier for strangers (often not even knowing) to enter your property without a fence.
Families find the subliminal promise that a fence will protect them appealing. A fence can make your home more attractive to families if it is located in a suburb where there are many interested buyers and residents.

Parents will spend a lot to put a fence around their property. This is to protect their children from running off onto the street, or give them some peace of mind when they are playing in their yard.

A fence is a great option for pet owners. They will feel safer and less likely to be strayed or endangered by other people. A fence is the best option for urban families who need a safe space to play with their children.

Aesthetics & Curb Appeal
A fence that is attractive can make your home more appealing to potential buyers. A polished white picket fence with roses peeking through the slats, and a mailbox atop is a charming addition to any home. Fences are a friendly and beautiful way to make corner homes feel more welcoming, especially when they're built with roses.

A home with a great curb appeal can help you attract more buyers and make a better first impression. A well-maintained yard with a beautiful fence will attract more buyers. A beautiful fence can increase the number of potential buyers.

The price of a house is heavily affected by its physical appearance. The American Society of Landscape Architects even stated that landscaping (which includes fencing) can help increase a property’s value by almost 20 percent.

A properly landscaped fence can add $40,000 to a $200,000 home. This is the median U.S. home price according to Zillow. HomeAdvisor has estimated that the average national cost for fence installation is $2700. This means that you will get a significant return on your investment (ROI).

This general rule is not applicable to all types of fencing. Chain link fencing, which is affordable, isn't known for its curb appeal but can give a home a "fixer-upper" feeling.
Chain link fencing is a good choice for large backyards that have a lot of lands. However, curb appeal is what you should be aiming for. A low-quality fence may be more affordable than a beautiful fence if you don't have the funds.

Additional Considerations
While the traditional picket fence remains a timeless choice, there are other options that can give you more bang for your buck. The type of fencing you choose will determine how much you can get for your home.

A wooden fence, for example, is a great option for budget-minded homeowners. They are strong, attractive, and can match any other structures in your backyard. They blend well with most home types and are considered a safe option.

Vinyl fencing is the best option if you are thinking of selling your luxury home. Vinyl fencing is virtually maintenance-free and requires no up-front costs. It also has a clean, sleek look. Vinyl fencing is virtually indestructible and can be used to protect your property from unwanted visitors or trespassers.

Live fencing with trees, shrubs, and bushes is an essential option for the homeowner on a budget who still wants to create space. Because of their height, hedges are ideal for privacy. Although live fencing is more affordable upfront, it requires more maintenance because of gardening requirements.

However, live fencing is a great way to save money if you are a keen gardener and can do some home maintenance in the summer. Live fencing also offers shade provision. Although it may not be the best option for areas that are drought-prone, live fencing is a low-cost investment with high returns.

What Fence Do I Really Need?
Fencing may not be a valuable addition to your home. You might want to speak with an experienced realtor about whether fencing is right for you. Fencing may not be as attractive if it is not common in your neighborhood or on a street where fencing is rare.
Many homeowners are curious about how the market value of their home is determined. It is quite easy. The value of a house is determined by comparing its features with the ones in your home. It is possible that your home will not be as attractive if there is no fencing in the surrounding homes.

Fences can also be a sensitive topic between neighbors. If your neighbors are not used to having fenced in their neighborhood, they might not be ready for it. You'll spend more on lawyers to determine property lines and who is responsible for maintaining them.
Leslie Sellers, HGTV Appraisal Expert, suggests that fencing for high-end homes is not a good idea. A fence might not make a significant difference in high-end homes, where the selling price is likely to be at its highest. It could also detract from the beauty of the house, or worse, obscure it. This is true unless the fence is absolutely necessary, as in the instance of noisy obstruction or high-profile residents.

Partial fencing can also be an option if money is tight but you want to increase the appeal of your home. You can keep your backyard private without having to install all-around fencing.

It can also be used to keep wildlife away from your property if you live in rural areas. Fences are a great way to secure your property and exaggerate the size of your property. The illusion of vast personal space is created by a fence that seems far away. This creates an air of uncertainty and makes it seem more distant than any fence. Moreover, visit PPRE for more information regarding real estate in Mississauga in Canada.
Does Fencing Increases the Value of your House?

Does Fencing Increases the Value of your House?
