Profil von Amal Babu

Life | Faded Happiness

Close your eyes and float
Hands splayed out,
I float.
All is calm.
Eyes shut,
Only thought remains.
Stay afloat.
Stay afloat, dear heart.
Lest the current drag you down,
Lest the tide take you away,
Far away.
Someplace where you'll have to fight
Your deepest
Most terrifying fears.
That path will be perilous
And never easy,
Ever filled with darkness
And your inner demons.
So listen closely.
On staying adrift.
But remember.
Remember, o heart mine.
For when you have to be that warrior
That you think you cannot be,
That which doesn't kill you
Only makes you stronger.
My eyelids are heavy, but my thought is heavier.
It's 3 a.m.
Falling asleep feels impossible. I know I need to sleep soon, as I have a big day tomorrow, but my mind just isn't letting up. I keep trying but the harder I try, the more awake I feel. The past just keeps flashing before my eyes and before I know it, I'm spiralling. Sadness striking me, without warning, and now. My sleep is lost. Runaway far into that murky darkness, where I can barely reach.
4 a.m.
My disasters, guilt and heartbreak flit about my mind's eye, screaming at me to listen. To remember all the mistakes I've made. All the things I should have done. All the words I should have said. I keep thinking. I keep regretting it. I keep hoping. That may be soon my sleep shall return.
5 a.m.
The sun's rising, daylight peaking around the edges of the world. There's something odd, something magical about the world at this moment. And finally, finally, I feel the last vestiges of my consciousness slip away into the sweet embrace of sleep, and the last thought I think,
It's probably only insomnia.
Life | Faded Happiness


Life | Faded Happiness
