COUNTER SINE #'s profile


来杯! 来自外太空的奶茶。

<星空茶饮>名字由来 的星空浩瀚的宇宙 ,无不让人浮想联翩,每个星星都是不同的延展性强,所以就起了这个品牌名。logo的由来——
星空想到了星系,宇宙,人类探索未知太空的宇航员。以宇航员的头盔进行设计,加入卡通形象使品牌活泼,在头盔边缘加入小行星 ,也是把头盔比作星球,让品牌更有韵味可寻。为了符合年轻消费群体,品牌也是更贴近潮流化。


Come on! Milk tea from outer space.

The origin of the name "Xing Kong Tea Drink" The vast universe of the starry sky is full of imagination, each star is different and malleable, so this brand name was born. The origin of the logo-
The starry sky thinks of the galaxy, the universe, and the astronauts of human beings exploring the unknown space. Designed with an astronaut helmet, adding a cartoon image to make the brand lively, adding asteroids on the edge of the helmet also compares the helmet to a planet, making the brand more appealing. In order to meet the young consumer groups, the brand is also closer to the trend.
*Some of the pictures in the proposal are from the Internet, only for effect display, not for commercial use, intrusion and deletion

