The Cairn O'Mount climb
The shoot for this project was carried out by videographer Gregor Aiken. It involved filming out the back of a moving car while reporter Jamie Hall attempted the infamous Cairn O'Mount climb in Aberdeenshire. 

The purpose of the video was to give context to how difficult the climb was for the regular cyclist, before The Tour of Britain professionals attempted the route.

The first cut of the edit was completed within four hours of filming. Over the next work days fine tuning was made to each clip before a lumetri grade was applied, and black rectangles added to give that cinema feel.

Graphics showing the route taken by the cyclists were created from Google MyMaps, with the paths converted from KML, into PDF, which was then edited in Illustrator before being added to Google Earth Studio footage of the area.

A variety of music tracks were tested with the film, before one was picked. The edits were again tweaked to make sure it flowed correctly with the music.

A final sound check and graphics pass was carried out before Adobe's auto-transcribe was used to generate the captions.

The finished product was shared both direct on social media, and hosted on the  Initial metrics for the video show a higher than average number of viewers watched the film through to the 75% mark. Given this video is roughly double the length of the average video featured on our sites, this was considered an overwhelming success.
The Cairn O'Mount Climb
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The Cairn O'Mount Climb

How the Cairn o'Mount project was edited

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