ACTIVITY 1: Looking Back

My favorite games when I was young was cricket and tag. Cricket is a game played by 2 teams, 11 players on each team. One team has to bat and score runs and the other team has to ball and get wickets and when the one team has given other team a target to achieve they have to ball and the other team has to bat. Tag is a games played approximately 8-10 people. One player is chosen as the tagger and has to tag another person and the other person has to tag someone else. In cricket, when you are batting you get to hit the ball as far as you can and you can also hit your enemy, in cricket there is a sledging and sometimes there is no end to it and that is fun because you're both physically and mentally in the game. In tag, when you are running away from the tagger you need to get them tired and once they are tired they will go for someone else, when you're seeing your friend run from the tagger is so fun.

ACTIVITY 2: Board Games and Card Games 

- I played barnyard and scrabble. I was playing scrabble for the first time, so it was brand new for me. We had to right a word on the board and then add words into the letters of the words. I was also playing barnyard for the time when Mr. Slavicek introduced that game to us, I really liked that game. We need to had barnyard animals names while playing and it was very fun.
- In scrabble you need to add more words and words to letters and its quite fun, but after after a few minutes I got bored. Barnyard is a very fun game, you can play 10 rounds of this game and you cannot bored and its fun every time you play it.
- I would scrabble has no surprises at all. I mean you're adding words to words, so its not surprisable at all. On the other hand, barnyard is very surprising, you never know when you and your friend will get the same card, so you have to be very alert.
- In scrabble there is no winning but yes each player gets equal opportunity to write words on the board. In barnyard everyone has equal opportunity to win the game, if don't get the same cards as your friends and you run out of your cards, you win.
- In scrabble there is no winning, you're just adding words to words. In barnyard each player has 100% chance of winning the game. There is no " snowball effect" in the game.
- In scrabble there are certain strategies of playing but it doesn't declare the winner. In barnyard there are no certain events or strategies of playing which can declare the winner.
- I don't know whether there are early eliminations in scrabble because only me and one other person was playing. On the other hand, in barnyard does not have early eliminations.
- Yes, both scrabble and barnyard stick to their theme of playing. In scrabble you have to continuously adding words to words. Also, in barnyard we sticked to the theme of the game.
- All the materials required for both scrabble and barnyard are durable, functional and aesthetically appealing.
- The game scrabble appeals strategy because you have to think of words fast and quickly put them on the board. However, in barnyard you have to rely on your luck, if your luck is good you will win.
- Yes, you can have mix of two. You can have short rules in a long game and long rules in a short game. Scrabble is a long game but has only a few basic rules. 

ACTIVITY 3: Reflections on Making Games

1) Some of the similarities in playing board games, card games and video games are that you need strategy to play some board, card and video games, all these games are played by 2-4 players.
2) Some of the differences to playing board games, card game and video games are that you play video games on your mobile or pc, therefore you don't play board games and card games on your mobile games or pc.
3) Some of the similarities to making board games, card games and video games are that the creators who are making these games, they have to brainstorm ideas to satisfy their audience. 
4) Board games and card games are made by hand, pen and paper, while video games are made on computers through coding.
5) Some of the key aspects of a game should be its storyline, gameplay and graphics, and characters need to be spot on.




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