I had to create a set of Stamps which had the Theme 'British Fashion'
the other choice was 'British First'  which had to be 6, 1st class stamps.
now, for someone who can barely dress themselves in something which most humans would call 'normal'  I thought this would be a fun problem to over come.
I first started off looking at people in British fashion world... but this was too easy (even for me)  and not at all progressive enough.
So after thinking a lil bit, I thought up a bigger problem for me to face.
I ignored Alexander Mc'Queen and Vivienne Westwood, 'cause if I have have heard of them, where is the fun. I looked into the London Fashion Week 2013, looking for wonderful Fashion Artists who I loved but didn't have any knowledge about. 
Promoting the other people is what I had in mind.

Now for what I did to create these stamps was pick a set of clothing which I felt as an outsider  represented the brand the Fashion Designer wanted to get across. (So none of the dresses and styles of dress are my own, all belong to the design which is stated on the stamp) I basid the drawings on existing dresses, coloured it and scanned it in, I then played with it on Illustrator making up the body to hold their clothing and then used their ket colours to create the colour theme through out the rest of their personal stamp.
layout/background is discovered thorough a lot of my paper work
RSA Stamps

RSA Stamps

I had to create a set of Stamps which had the Theme 'British Fashion' the other choice was 'British First' which had to be 6, 1st class stamps. Read More
