Things left behind by passed family can help paint a picture of how a person lived.  Some give insight into the habits or rituals they performed, as well as provide a small window back in time to the culture and zeitgeist of an earlier time. These objects featured in Pieces of the Past belonged to my grandparents; my Nono and Nona.  They include a photo album filled with old black and white family photographs, an old shaver of my Nono's, an Italian deck of cards, and my Nona's purse, still filled with business cards and band-aids.  These items were all found in my Nono and Nona's previously locked filing cabinet in our garage.  My uncle discovered the key when he moved apartments earlier this year which meant we were finally able, after 5 years, to open the cabinet and learn of its contents.  

I chose to use a dark soft green colour as the background for this work as it reminds me of the green felt that lines, often bespoke, boxes or cases that house precious items. And to me and my family the history and story of these objects makes them very precious.  They are layed out in such a way that the camera movement is for the most part moving in a steady forward motion to represent moving through a linear time line of a person's life.  There a some turns and the path is not perfect, symbolic of life's unexpected changes.  However, I also decided to move the camera in this way to convey a journey through an almost miniature exhibition of old family ephemera.  
Pieces of the Past

Pieces of the Past


Creative Fields